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Student Eligibility

To be eligible for the financial incentives of the A+ Schools Program, a student must be certified as an A+ student by Ritenour High School.

To achieve this certification, a student must:

  • Sign an A+ Schools Participation Agreement by January 1 of senior year. Note: Please sign into your Chromebook to complete the Participation Agreement Google form.
  • Graduate from an A+ designated school and attend an A+ designated school for the two of the four years prior to graduation.
  • Graduate with at least a 2.5 G.P.A. on a 4.0 scale.
  • Graduate with a 95 percent attendance record.
  • Perform 50 hours of unpaid one-on-one tutoring or mentoring on district property.
  • Maintain a record of good citizenship and avoidance of the illegal use and/or possession of drugs, alcohol, and/or related paraphernalia.
  • Score “Advanced” or “Proficient” on the Algebra I End of Course exam.

To receive A+ funds from the state, the following must also be completed:

  • Make a documented good-faith effort to secure all available federal post-secondary student financial assistance funds that do not require repayment (FAFSA).
  • Register with the Selective Service, if required by law to do so.

A semester report advising the student’s progress toward certification will be sent as soon as possible after the end of each semester.

Required documentation must be submitted to the A+ coordinator by May 1 of the student’s senior year.