902044—Art of World Cultures–Modern
Prerequisite: None
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 Semester
Credit: 1/2
You will explore 8-10 cultures and/or art movements from 1850 to the present. You will create works of art inspired by those cultures or art movements. The projects will also incorporate different art materials and the elements and principles of design. This class is designed for students of all skill levels in need of a fine art credit.
902102—Art of World Cultures to 1850
Prerequisite: None
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 Semester
Credit: 1/2
Students will explore 8-10 cultures of the world before 1850. Then create a work of art inspired by that culture. The projects will focus on the use of mediums and the Elements and Principles of Design. There will be both book work and art work in this fun look at art from many cultures. The class will look at cultures and how the art relates to their lives and history. This class is designed for the students that need the fine art credit but do not want a traditional art studio class. There are two classes that can be taken to earn the fine arts credit.
902054—Ceramics I
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Portfolio for ninth grade
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Ceramics is designed for students who have a strong interest and ability to work with clay to make vessels with the basic hand building methods of coil, slab and mold. Individual time will be given on the potter’s wheel. Students also learn how to finish their pottery through glazing and firing.
902420—Ceramics II
Prerequisite: “C” or better in Ceramics I
Grade Placement: 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Ceramics II is for students that want to further explore 3-dimensional art. We will work on more complicated art problems. Students will explore deeper into medium possibilities. Students will learn more about different finishing processes and techniques. Students will look at and become more familiar with the world of 3-D art.
902064—Computer Art Painting
Prerequisite: None
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Computer Art Painting is a drawing and painting class that uses the computer as the medium. Students will use art software and hardware to create digital works of art that can then be printed out and displayed. Students will use Adobe® Photoshop® as an art medium to create their art work.
902014—Computer Illustration
Prerequisite: None
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Computer Illustration is a graphics class that focuses on drawing and design techniques using Adobe Illustrator. Learning how to be creative with shapes, lettering and illustrating images will be the main objective of this class. You will learn how to create professional looking designs, logos, cartoons and illustrations.
902194—Computer Imaging I
Prerequisite: None
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Computer imaging will introduce students to the exciting world of the digital fine arts and learning how to work with Photoshop. Students will use, manipulate and create images using Adobe Photoshop. Some of the projects will include designs, photo manipulations, computer painting, photo coloring and creating magazine covers.
902419—Computer Imaging II
Prerequisite: Any 2 courses: Computer Imaging I, Computer Illustration, Computer Art Painting
Grade Placement: 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Computer Imaging II will combine Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator skills. Creating unique computer art designs and illustrations will be the focus of this course. Students will have the opportunity to combine drawing, design and computer Imaging skills in a variety of ways.
Prerequisite: None
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
This course is designed for 10-12 grade students who like to draw and want to improve their skills through practice and learning new techniques. Still life, portraiture, figure drawing, perspective, landscapes and value studies will be covered. A variety of drawing materials will be used and may include pencil, ink, charcoal, string, wire, chalk, watercolor, or pastels as well as a variety of unconventional drawing media. You will observe master artists’ drawings and then create works of art inspired by them.
902163—Elements of Art
Prerequisite: None
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
This class is designed for students who want to explore a variety of art making media. Students will study the principles and elements of design and use them to produce creative projects and will learn how to choose and modify ideas that creatively display their message. Class projects may include designing furniture, jewelry, eco-printing, stationery and logos, graphic portraits, contour line and geometric pattern designs, advertising posters and contest entries.
Prerequisite: Elements of Art AND Drawing
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Students will produce a limited edition print, layout and graphic design for their portfolios. While printing processes do not involve the computer, students will problem solve and make the aesthetic judgements necessary in all methods of graphic productions.
902004—Industrial Design
Prerequisite: Meeting with art teacher prior to signing up for the class
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
This class is for (responsible) juniors and seniors who are interested in designing, problem-solving, and building creatively. You will be utilizing the Art Lab’s resources along with our laser engraver/cutter. You will be working with vector-based drawing programs such as Adobe Illustrator. You will be creating three-dimensional models, games, toys, musical instruments (guitars, mountain dulcimers, drums…), furniture, skateboards, and anything else you can think of. You will go through the creative process, sketching ideas, making life-sized drawing plans, and creating/ building your art.
902124—Painting I
Prerequisite: Elements of Art AND Drawing
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
In this course, painting techniques are introduced through a variety of media with emphasis on acrylic paints. Students will also use tempera, watercolor, and other materials such as collage, fabric, or found objects. Students will paint on paper, wood, canvas board, and as well as unconventional surfaces.
902134—Painting II
Prerequisite: “B” or better in Painting I and teacher recommendation
Grade Placement: 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Advanced Painting students explore their knowledge in a variety of painting techniques and develop their own technique and style in oil.
902144—Photography I
Prerequisite: None
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
This studio art course is designed to introduce students to the basic elements of photography as a method of artistic self-expression and a visual means of communication in today’s society. Students will learn to apply elements and principals of art to their works as well as technical skills of camera operations, pictorial composition, lighting, printing and display. Units of study may include but are not limited to photographic history and the genres of landscape, still life, portrait, documentaries and advertising.
902024—Photography II
Prerequisite: “C” or better in Photography I and teacher recommendation
Grade Placement: 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
An advanced course that continues the concepts and skills learned in photography. This class takes the student from intermediate skill levels through advanced levels in digital photography, “digital darkroom” and advanced digital capture of all types. This course requires the student to have taken Photography I.
902204—Portfolio Development
Prerequisite: Advanced level art classes and the acceptance of teacher through portfolio review
Grade Placement: 11 & 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
This is for students that have a desire to continue their education in an art related field. Students will develop a portfolio. The student’s current portfolio will be evaluated and then the direction of study will be determined. The student will work on pieces of art that will create a strong portfolio. The class is an independent study class, which meets during another art class. The student will create three to six strong portfolio pieces during the semester.
Prerequisite: None
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Sculpture is for students who like to build and work with three-dimensional forms. It will introduce them to ideas and materials that can be used to construct both abstract and realistic pieces of work. Students will use paper, clay, wire, wood, plaster, cardboard, junk and other mediums to solve complicated art problems.