Mathematics Graduation Requirement (3 Credits)
Goal: All seniors take a math class
911711—Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB
Prerequisite: “C” or better in Pre-Calculus
Grade Placement: 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester (Honors)
Calculus topics include differentiation and integration of polynomials, rational and trigonometric expressions. Definitions and techniques are applied to graphing, velocity, acceleration, rate, area and volume. This course also prepares students for the Advanced Placement exam. A passing grade on this exam provides students with college credit for Calculus I at most schools.
911611—Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics
Prerequisite: “C” or better in Algebra 2 and Geometry
Grade Placement: 12 (11 with teacher recommendation)
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester (Honors)
Statistics topics include organizing and graphically representing data, calculating central tendency and variance, finding probability, and calculating significance and confidence of statistical findings. This course can be taken for college credit through Missouri Baptist University. This course also prepares students for the Advanced Placement exam. This course is designed for the students wishing to complete a third or fourth year of mathematics.
911011—Algebra I
Prerequisite: Students pass full year of Pre-Algebra. Students who pass both semesters of Pre-Algebra with an A, B or C will be in Algebra I, students that pass but have a D in either semester of Pre-Algebra will also be placed in Algebra Strategies.
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
Algebra topics include real-life and real-data applications, data interpretation, conceptual understanding, problem solving, writing, cooperative learning, appropriate use of technology, mental mathematics, number sense, estimation, critical thinking, and geometric concepts are emphasized and integrated throughout. This is a state assessment (EOC Course). Students must be passing current course to take the Algebra 1 EOC.
911311—Algebra II
Prerequisite: Full year credit of Algebra I
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
Algebra II topics include linear equations, functions and graphs, systems of linear equations, polynomials, rational expressions, radicals, quadratic functions, sequences and series, laws of exponents and logarithms, and applications of these skills. It is recommended for college-bound students. This is a state assessment (EOC) course if a student has not taken the Algebra I EOC in high school.
911158—Algebra Strategies
Prerequisite: Administrator/teacher recommendation
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
Algebra Strategies is an elective course designed to support Algebra 1, which is the first of a three-year mathematics program required for graduation. Upon successful completion of Algebra 1, students will continue to Geometry and Algebra 2. This course is for students who may have struggled with algebra objectives in the past. Specific course objectives are available on the Ritenour website. Course level expectations (CLEs) are available on the DESE website.
911000—AMPED - Algebra Manufacturing Processes Entrepreneurship & Design
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math 8
Grade Placement: 9, 10
Length of Course: 1 year (2 class periods per day; paired with Algebra I)
Credit: 2 (1 credit Algebra I, 1 credit Business Entrepreneurship)
In AMPED, students will design innovative concepts and solutions to solve current and future problems using a number of computer aided design software programs, produce, market and sell products including t-shirts, banners, posters, and various group-determined projects. Students learn Algebra I and business concept applications, interact with school and community partners and customers while tracking expenses and maximizing profits. Students will also gain mastery of the Algebra 1 standards through relevant and fun career and technical projects. The content is also important in its connection to several career pathways. Such as management, design, product development, human services, etc. This course requires teamwork and the safe use of heat press equipment, power tools, and hand tools.
911683—College Algebra—(STLCC, MTH 160)
Prerequisite: A or B in Algebra II
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester (Honors)
College Algebra topics include nonlinear functions and relations, logarithms, systems of equations, zeros of polynomials complex numbers, sequences, and mathematical inductions. It is designed for the college- bound student who wishes to continue studying mathematics beyond high school. This course can be taken for college credit through Missouri Baptist University.
911414—Intermediate College Algebra—(STLCC, MTH 140)
Prerequisite: C or better in algebra II or Advanced Algebra II with Trigonometry
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
Intermediate College Algebra begins to lay the basic mathematical concepts for College Algebra or Pre-Calculus. Intermediate analyzes the in-depth study of functions and relations to include: linear, polynomial, logarithmic, exponential and rational functions; the study of complex numbers, systems of equations, matrices, sequences and series, introduction to analytical geometry and applications of these skills. Operations on rational expressions, operations on radicals, solving quadratic equations, and the rectangular coordinate system are among the topics covered.
Prerequisite: 1/2 credit earned in Algebra I
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
Topics include logical arguments and proofs, problem solving, angle and segment relationships, facts regarding various geometry figures, and calculation of perimeter, area and volume.
902107—GIC—Geometry in Construction
Prerequisite: 1/2 credit earned in Algebra I
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 Year (2 class periods per day; paired with Geometry)
Credit: 2 (1 credit Geometry, 1 credit elective–Fine art)
GIC will provide students the opportunity to immediately apply what they are learning in the classroom to what they are doing in the workshop. This team taught class is organized to take student’s geometry concepts, introduced on math days, and apply them directly to tangible projects shop days. Students learn shop safety, problem-solving, tool use, CAD drawing and CNC operation. Projects will include student created concepts and designs to those introduced by instructors and outside “clients”. Projects, both individual and group, big and small, may include sheds, theater set pieces, props, furniture, classroom makeovers, homecoming floats, guitar bodies, and much more. This class is perfect for anyone interested in engineering, construction, architecture, sculpture, theater set building, interior design, carpentry, and general fabrication. This course requires the safe use of power tools and hand tools, and may require outdoor construction. This course covers all geometry learning standards required for graduation. No previous building experience needed.
911361—Honors Algebra II with Trigonometry
Prerequisite: “B” or better in Algebra 1 and geometry
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester (Honors)
Honors Algebra II topics include functions, linear equations, systems of linear equations, radicals, laws of exponents and logarithms, sequences, series, matrices, complex numbers, and the application of these skills. This course is for students who have mastered the skills of Algebra I. Designed for the college-bound student who wishes to continue studying mathematics beyond high school, it is a fast-paced, in-depth course covering one year of material in one semester. Trigonometry analyzes the relationship between the angles and the sides of triangles from an algebraic point of view, as well as graphing functions and identities. Practical application to realistic problems is stressed. This is a state assessment (EOC) course if a student has not taken the Algebra I EOC in high school.
Prerequisite: Students enrolled in this course must take Pre-Algebra Strategies.
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
Pre-Algebra is the study of skills necessary for success in Algebra I and beyond. Topics of study include: whole number operations, integers, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, exponents, solving equations, introduction to graphing/coordinate plane and basic algebra concepts.
911093—Pre-Algebra Strategies
Prerequisite: Administrator/teacher recommendation
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
This course was designed to help students make the transition from Arithmetic/Pre-Algebra to Algebra. Students will receive any additional explanations, practice, or extensions to the standard Pre-Algebra curriculum to further their understanding and knowledge. To assist with this goal algebraic concepts will be introduced early and repeated while traditional arithmetic topics are being mastered. These skills will lay the groundwork for your student’s future high school courses. Students will also gain an understanding of the relevance between mathematics and everyday life. Specific course objectives are available on the Ritenour website. Course level expectations (CLEs) are available on the DESE website.
Prerequisite: “C” or better in Honors Algebra II with Trigonometry or “B” or better in Algebra II and concurrent enrollment in Trigonometry during first semester
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester (Honors)
Precalculus is a detailed study of various algebraic and trigonometric functions and their graphs, which prepares a student for the study of calculus. The major areas of study are: linear, quadratic, polynomial, and rational functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; inverse and composite functions; trigonometric functions; solutions of triangles; trigonometric equations; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices; vectors and polar coordinates.
Prerequisite: Algebra II
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Trigonometry analyzes the relationship between the angles and the sides of triangles from an algebraic point of view, as well as graphing functions and identities. Practical application to realistic problems is stressed.