Media Convergence

905464—Introduction to Mass Communications (STLCC-MCM101)
Prerequisite: Students must meet College Credit (Dual Credit) criteria on page 8
Grade Placement: 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2 credit HS Credit, 3 college credits (Honors)
Introduction to Mass Communications is taken in cooperation with St. Louis Community College for 3 hours of college credit. The course examines the nature and influence of mass media in our society. Students will analyze the impact media has throughout the world. Topics include mass media foundations, media’s role in culture, ethics, influence on society,media methods, controls, gatekeeping, and world impact. This course also is designed to introduce students to the theories and realities of the media and mass communications and its effects on individuals and society. The major forms of the mass media will be examined through discussions, readings and presentations for an overview of its history, power, theories and functions. This is a weighted course and will earn 3 college credit hours if paid for through STLCC.
905201—Introduction to Media Convergence
Prerequisite: None
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Introduction to Media Convergence is an exploration into all aspects of media - both creation and consumption. Students will learn about all forms of media communications – newspaper, radio, film, video, social networking, and various new media. This hands-on class will develop students to better navigate the reach of media in our lives and our rights and responsibilities as creators and consumers in a 21st century world. This class will be a requirement for RADIO, NEWSPAPER, YEARBOOK, TV NEWS, or VIDEO PRODUCTION.
905831—Beginning Newspaper
Prerequisite: Introduction to Media Convergence or teacher recommendation
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
“Extra, extra, read all about it.” Beginning Newspaper is a course designed to give students an entry into print publication production techniques. The class will focus on features/magazine, sports, and op/ed writing, as well as photojournalism, layout and design basics. Students will be expected to regularly contribute content to both the print and online versions of The Pepper Box.
905845—Advanced Newspaper
Prerequisite: Beginning Newspaper and teacher recommendation
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year (Course can be repeated)
Credit: 1/2 per semester
How many other classes give you the opportunity to share your work with the school and local community? Advanced Newspaper is a course for full-time reporters for The Pepper Box. Students will rotate throughout the school between producing content for the print and online version of The Pepper Box. Students in Advanced Newspaper will also be groomed for editing positions with leadership training, and advanced training in editing, design, business and photography.
905921—Beginning Radio
Prerequisite: Intro to Media Convergence
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
“You are tuned into KRHS 90.1 FM radio, Ritenour High School’s own radio station.” The Beginning Radio class is an introduction to radio production. Students will learn the rights and responsibilities of radio stations and learn hands-on how to run a student run radio station. In this class, you will explore the media of digital sound for both live and web based radio. Students will learn all theories of production, career explorations, and rules governing broadcast journalism.
905925—Advanced Radio
Prerequisite: "C" or better in Beginning Radio and teacher recommendation
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
How many students can write on their college application that “I’m a DJ for a high school radio station?” The Advanced Radio class is a further look at radio production with students demonstrating an independent level of running a student run radio station. In this class, you will maintain the media of digital sound for both live and web based radio and produce programming for our school station, KRHS 90.1 FM.
905811—Beginning TV News and Video Production
Prerequisite: Intro to Media Convergence
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
This class introduces students to live television studio production techniques and explores the video and film production art form. We look at the art of video storytelling. Students will also learn the process of filmmaking through hands-on activities. Emphasis will be on the impact of film on society.
905528—Advanced TV News and Video Production
Prerequisite: "C" or better in Beginning TV News and Video Production and teacher recommendation
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Advanced TV News is a further look at TV News production with students choosing a focus on a type of broadcasting production. This class further develops student’s development of live television studio production techniques. This class will also focus on the different genres of video production and further develop skills in the process of producing films. Students will be expected to independently produce several films in a semester. We will plan and produce weekly news programs and monthly programs for redistribution and work collaboratively with the newspaper classes. Students will need to be available for before and after school production for sporting events, news reporting on site, and to reach deadlines. Students will have a high level of independence in this classroom environment.
903545—Drone Video Production and Photography
Prerequisite: Beginning TV News and Video Production
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester (Course can be repeated)
Credit: 1/2
Come fly with us! Students will learn concepts in aerial drone photography and video production in order to be licensed as a commercial UAV pilot. All students will learn the FAA rules and regulations including basic flight controls in order to prepare for the FAA Part 107 test.
905703—Beginning Yearbook
Prerequisite: Intro to Media Convergence and teacher recommendation
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Do you want to be a part of something that your classmates will cherish for their entire lives Beginning Yearbook is a course designed to continue the journalistic education started in Intro to Media Convergence, as well as give students an introduction to photojournalism, layout and design basics specific to yearbooks. In between the new information that students will learn in this class, they are expected to continually contribute to the Ritenour yearbook, The Melaureus. In the fall semester course, we will be creating the first half of the yearbook which includes: setting up fonts and templates for the yearbook, building a coverage ladder, developing a theme, submitting a cover design, and coverage of fall sports, homecoming, holidays, and concerts. In the spring semester course, we will be creating the second half of the yearbook which includes coverage of winter/spring sports, spring break, spring musical, clubs & groups, grade-level portrait sections, and prom.
905725—Advanced Yearbook
Prerequisite: "C" or better in Beginning Yearbook and teacher recommendation
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Advanced Yearbook is a course for students who have learned basic print and photo journalistic foundations in Intro to Convergence Media and Beginning Yearbook, and are ready to contribute as full-time staff members to The Melaureus. Students in Advanced Yearbook will also be groomed for editing positions with leadership training, and advanced training in editing, design, business and Photography.