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912001—A Capella Choir
Prerequisite: Audition
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
A Capella Choir is offered as a full credit course. Candidates for choir must audition in the spring or at the beginning of the school year. This group will present several concerts and the annual spring musical.

912890—Audio Engineering
Prerequisite: none
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester 
Credit: 1/2 
Topics covered include analog and digital signal flow, recording, editing, mixing and mastering. Students will apply their knowledge of audio technology while creating recorded performances of Ritenour High School student ensembles (including Band, Orchestra and Choir). Audio processing skills such as compression and equalization, in combination with time-based effects, will be utilized to create professional-quality audio production projects. Industry standard equipment and software should be incorporated to closely simulate the actual working environment of professional audio engineers.

912200—Chamber Choir
Prerequisite: Audition
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
This course is designed as an advanced class for serious choral students. It is available to students in 10th-12th grade by audition only. Students should have the advanced skills and the desire to perform at the highest level. Students will perform at least twice a semester for the public and will participate in the MSHSAA Large Ensemble Contest.

912201—Chamber Orchestra
Prerequisite: Symphonic Orchestra (by audition)
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12 (by audition only)
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester (Honors credit available either junior or senior year)
Chamber Orchestra is an intensive course that will explore the world of concert performance practice encountered by young professional musicians. Music selected will form the basis of experience needed to successfully pursue college study and prepare for an exciting lifetime career in the music world. Designed for exceptional performance standards, each member will develop proficiencies necessary for obtaining college music scholarships. Home practice will be required every day for membership in this advanced ensemble. Students will perform for Solo and Ensemble Contest.

To receive honors credit, a student must be awarded a “I” rating at District Solo/Ensemble Contest or “I/II” rating at state Solo/Ensembles Contest. Honors credit is also available for students in All-Suburban Honors Ensembles with eligibility for All-State Honors Ensembles.

912301—Chamber Wind Ensemble
Prerequisite: Symphonic Band
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12 (by audition only)
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester (Honors credit available either junior or senior year)
Chamber Wind Ensemble is an intensive course designed for advanced wind and percussion musicians. Advanced/ professional literature selected will form the basis of experience needed to successfully pursue college study/ performance. Designed for exceptional performance standards, members will work to develop proficiencies necessary for obtaining college music scholarships. Daily home practice is required for success in this advanced ensemble. Students will also perform with the orchestra and participate at Solo/Ensemble Festival. Students enrolled for honors credit will also audition for All-Suburban Band. To receive honors credit, a student must be awarded a “I” rating at District Solo/Ensemble Contest or “I/II” rating at state Solo/Ensembles Contest. Honors credit is also available for students in All-Suburban Honors Ensembles with eligibility for All-State Honors Ensembles.

Prerequisite: Audition
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester 
This is a mid-level choir that would serve singers with prior choral experience, who may not yet be ready for the auditioned/select choirs. Students would continue building their music literacy skills, music theory knowledge,  exposure to different genres and styles of music, and level of performance. This course is perfect for incoming  freshman, students who transfer into Ritenour from other districts, or students who have been selected for an  auditioned group but cannot fit the class into their  schedule.

912411—Concert Band Brass and Percussion
Prerequisite: Instrumental experience
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
Concert Band Brass and Percussion is for students who play brass or percussion instruments. The class will perform with the Concert Band Woodwinds class in several concerts during the school year playing a variety of music, including marches, classical semi-classical, jazz, pop and rock. Students in this ensemble comprise the Marching Band, performing at home football games, parades and other scheduled performance. Solos and small ensembles are encouraged.

912421—Concert Band Woodwinds
Prerequisite: Instrumental experience
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
Concert Band Woodwinds is for students who play woodwind instruments. the class will perform with the Concert Band Brass and Percussion class in several concerts during the school year playing a variety of music, including marches, classical semi-classical, jazz, pop and rock. Students in this ensemble comprise the Marching Band, performing at home football games, parades and other scheduled performance. Solos and small ensembles are encouraged.

912551—Electric Guitar I
Prerequisite: none
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Guitar class is open to all students sophomore and above. The class will be dedicated to learning the fundamentals of chording, arpeggios, and playing melodies on the guitar. The class will focus on technique. The class will have a final performance at the end on the semester in front of an audience. Maximum capacity 16 (sixteen) students

912651—Electric Guitar II
Prerequisite: Electric Guitar I 
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
Guitar performance skills acquired in Electronic Guitar 1 will be refined and expanded upon. Specific skills to be emphasized are music literacy, proper left and right hand technique, small ensemble rehearsal and performance skills, basic music theory concepts and basic audio technology applications. The text utilized will be Alfred’s Basic Guitar Method: Book 2.

912431—Jazz Band
Prerequisite: Audition Recommendation
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester (Honors Credit available junior or senior year)
The Jazz Band consists of a select group of students chosen through audition. Students will learn about the language, performance practices, forms and history of jazz. Practical application of knowledge and skills will occur through frequent public performances at various assemblies, concerts and outside gigs (some in a semi-professional setting). Students will develop increased musical independence through a chamber-music sensibility. Musical styles vary from the Big Band era to jazz and the latest pop and rock charts. Attendance at home basketball games is a requirement of the ensemble. Students enrolled for honors credit will also audition for All-Suburban Jazz Band and receive increased focus on the development of improvisational skills.
     To receive honors credit, a student must be awarded a “I” rating at District Solo/Ensemble Contest or “I/II” rating at state Solo/Ensembles Contest. Honors credit is also available for students in All-Suburban Honors Ensembles with eligibility for All-State Honors Ensembles.

912403—Mixed Chorus
Prerequisite: none
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
This is an entry-level course for all students (9-12) who have never been in choir at the high school level. Students will learn the reading and singing techniques required to produce a good tone and perform well together. This class will perform for the public at least twice per semester.

912951—Beginning Piano
Prerequisite: none
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester
Credit: 1/2
This class is open to all students. The class will be dedicated to learning the fundamentals of chording, arpeggios, and the playing and accompanying of melodies on the piano. The class will focus on technique with the purpose of using programs such as Garage Band to create and compose music. The class will have a final performance at the end on the semester in front of an audience. Maximum capacity 16 (sixteen) students.

912699—Song Writing 101
Prerequisite: 1 semester of Audio Engineering 
Grade Placement:  10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 semester 
Credit: 1/2 
Students will study varying genres/song forms and will learn how to express themselves through the art of songwriting. Course content will include analyzing songs/song form, writing lyrics through rhyme and meter, expression/communication through song, recording technology, symbiotic relationship between live performance, songwriting, and recording.

Prerequisite: None
Grade Placement: 9 
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
Symphonia is designed to provide students with the opportunity to build the ensemble skills necessary to be successful in the full orchestra setting. Students will perform a varied repertoire at several concerts each year, concentrating on string technique and skills for the advancing performer.

912521—Symphonic Band
Prerequisite: Audition-Recommendation
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
Band II is formed by audition or recommendation only with an expectation of a higher performance standard than the Concert Band. The students in this Wind Ensemble perform at several concerts during the school year, playing a variety of music, including marches, classical, semi-classical, jazz, pop and rock. Students in this ensemble (along with Concert Band) comprise the Marching Band, performing at home football games, parades and other scheduled performances. Solos and small ensembles are required. Honor Ensemble auditions required at the discretion of director.

912531—Symphonic Orchestra
Prerequisite: Symphonia; audition
Grade Placement: 10, 11, 12 (9th grade with audition only)
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester
Symphonic Orchestra extends previous instruction in string instruments of the orchestra. Select wind and percussion players from the Wind Ensemble will join the strings for Symphony Orchestra. Performing in many musical styles, the orchestra presents eight public performances each year, including a holiday concert and All District Festival. Advanced students are encouraged to participate in special ensembles that perform for special events.

912611—Theory and Harmony
Prerequisite: Basic musical knowledge (ensemble experience or private lessons recommended)
Grade Placement: 11, 12
Length of Course: 1 year
Credit: 1/2 per semester (Honors)
Theory and Harmony is an advanced level course designed for upperclassmen who are interested in creative and compositional studies. It will move beyond the basic language of music to cover in more depth its syntax, structure and style. Also covered are elements of aural training, sight-singing and composition. This class is very important for those who wish to pursue a major or minor in music.

912011—The Voice
Prerequisite: None 
Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12 
Length of Course: 1 semester 
Credit: 1/2 
This course is for all students who wish to learn to sing, better their vocal potential, and/or work specifically on solos to perform. In this class, students will have to sing in front of others. Students will learn the common faults of singers and how to overcome them with good technique. This course can be repeated.