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In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), Section 206/Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA), Title II, a federal regulation, you are hereby advised that certain building materials used in the construction of schools and other district properties operated by the Ritenour School District may contain asbestos fibers.

A Management Plan has been prepared for the Ritenour School District by Professional Services Industries, Inc. and submitted to the Missouri Department of Health as required by law.  A three-year re-inspection was conducted and documented by John A. Jurgiel & Associates in the summer of 2019.  A copy of these documents may be viewed in the principal’s or administrator’s office at each district building.  Specific locations where asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) have been identified as well as the type and percentage of the asbestos content are described in the Management Plan.  All short-term workers who may come in contact with any potential or suspected ACBM must be provided access to the information contained in the Management Plan for each building.

As in most buildings constructed since 1910, materials such as thermal insulation on boilers and the related steam or hot water piping, floor tiles and ceiling tile should be treated as potential ACBM.  Workers should also be aware that while it is often possible to suspect that a material contains asbestos based on visual observation, actual determination can only be made by instrumental analysis.

The cooperation of all contractors and other companies whose workers or representatives may disturb or otherwise come in contact with any actual or suspected ACBM is essential with respect to work done in the Ritenour School District buildings.  You are therefore requested to share the information contained in this notice with all appropriate individuals connected with your firm.  Individual workers who are unfamiliar with the health concerns and work procedures regarding ACBM will be restricted from performing their assigned tasks in areas containing friable ACBM.