Discipline Policies Communication of Policy
This handbook contains the district’s discipline policy, entitled Student Conduct, JFC and JFC-R. It is provided at the beginning of each school year to every student and parent or guardian of every student enrolled in the district as required by Missouri Statute 160.261. This policy and regulation, and related policies to which the Handbook refers, are posted on the district’s website, are available for public inspection in the superintendent’s or any principal’s office during normal business hours, and/or a printed copy will be supplied upon request. Referenced and related policies are JFCH, Alcohol/Drug Abuse; JFCJ, Weapons in Schools; JFG, Interviews, Interrogations and Searches; JGA, Corporal Punishment, Physical Restraint; Seclusion and Isolation; JGD, Student Suspension and Expulsion; JGE, Discipline of Students with Disabilities; and JGF, Discipline Reporting and Records.