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Discipline Policies Glossary of Disciplinary Actions

Glossary of Disciplinary Actions

A record of disciplinary violations, actions taken and results of actions is recorded in a student’s permanent file. Student’s permanent file is cumulative and maintained through grade twelve.

  • Assignment to an Alternative-to-Suspension School—Assignment of students on out-of-school suspension to the alternative-to-suspension school.
  • Assignment of Extra Work Duties—Duties assigned to match the nature of an offense are to be completed by the student on his/her own time. The assignment will be valuated by a teacher or administrator.
  • Behavioral Contract—An agreement among school staff, parent(s) and student, i.e. identification of a specific behavior, how it must be modified, and specification of the consequences of failure to do so.
  • Bus Suspension—Revocation of the privilege of riding the bus to and from school.
  • Conference, Parent—In this context, a meeting of parent(s) and school representative(s) to discuss a child’s disciplinary status. May include the student in some cases.
  • Conference, Student—In this context, a formal or informal meeting between a school representative and a student to address a discipline issue.
  • Credit for Work While Suspended—The district encourages suspended students to take advantage of the opportunity to remain current in their academic endeavors and receive credit for course work while under suspension.
         When teachers provide assignments to suspended students, the work is to be completed and returned before additional work is assigned. The teacher stipulates when the work is to be completed. Students or their families are responsible for obtaining and returning the work.
  • Detention—Detention of a student by a teacher or administrator before or after school hours, or from a specific class. Parents of detained elementary students are to be notified by the principal, teacher or the student. The parent is responsible for the student’s transportation.
  • Disciplinary Reassignment—Reassignment to a different classroom or development of an alternate schedule or placement for a student.
  • Expulsion—The permanent removal of a student from school by action of the Board of Education. The action taken and results are recorded in the student’s permanent record.
  • In-School Suspension—Temporary assignment to a special area within the school during the school day with the loss of privileges as designated by school officials. Students are expected to complete class assignments during their assignment to the “in-school suspension” area and may earn class credit for work completed.
  • Loss of Privileges—Removal of privileges, such as participation in co-curricular activities, parking permits, riding buses and loss of recess.
  • Out-of-School Suspension—SHORT TERM (1-10 days)—PRINCIPAL
    LONG TERM (11-180 days)—SUPERINTENDENT (requires student to attend a hearing)
         Includes deprivation of all privileges during suspension. May include Saturday detention. Students on out-of-school suspension are expected to remain current with class assignments. They are not permitted to be on school property nor to attend school events at home or away, except as authorized by an administrator. Re-admission may be conditional upon the student obtaining counseling. In addition, a parent conference will be held. Actions taken and results are recorded in the discipline file.
  • Parent Involvement—Includes notification of disciplinary action by telephone, letter or certified letter and personal contact.
  • Referral to Counselor—Periodic meetings with a counselor to explore ways of improving student behavior. The counselor may recommend special projects to the student, including reading, attending seminars, or referral to other education, social or medical agencies.
  • Referral to Law Enforcement Agencies—Referral to the appropriate law enforcement agency, including the school resource officer, for violations of the law.
  • Referral to Other Agencies—Appropriate referrals; i.e. Special School District, Division of Family Services, and substance abuse assessment programs.
  • Restitution—Payment, restoration or replacement of vandalized, stolen or damaged property; cleaning up an act of vandalism; or making up missed class time.
  • Timeout—Removal of a student from a class setting for a brief time, usually not longer than the remainder of the class period or the day on which the timeout was assessed, and usually for the purpose of dealing with a problem and regaining composure before returning to the class setting.