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Discipline Policies Student Conduct Consequences


Possible consequences include but are not limited to:

  1. teacher resolution,
  2. teacher-student conference,
  3. parent contact,
  4. bus suspension,
  5. referral to a counselor or administrator,
  6. referral to family or adult court,
  7. revocation of privileges,
  8. restitution for damages,
  9. community service
  10. detention,
  11. time-out (removal from a class setting for a brief “cooling off” period, usually not longer than for the remainder of the class period or day when it is imposed),
  12. in-school suspension,
  13. short term suspension from 1 to 10 days,
  14. long term suspension from 11 to 180 days, and a hearing before the superintendent or his/her designee,
  15. expulsion.

Consequences for the prohibited behaviors follow in the chart designated as Offenses/Consequences. In all cases penalties will be determined on a case-by-case basis and may be increased, decreased or modified at the discretion of school officials.

Policy JGF, Discipline Reporting and Records, also sets forth felonies as described by state law which require reporting by school authorities to the appropriate law enforcement agency, reporting to the appropriate division of the juvenile or family court upon suspension for more than 10 days if the student is known to be under the jurisdiction of the court, and for required record handling procedures.

This regulation and the student handbook govern conduct which takes place on school grounds or school property; on the way to and from school; on school buses and at bus stops; and at school activities whenever and wherever they may take place. In addition, the district reserves the right to impose disciplinary consequences for any student’s conduct (whenever and wherever it may occur) if such conduct is prejudicial to good order and discipline in the schools or tends to impair the morale or good conduct of the pupils. The district reserves the right to suspend any pupil who has been charged, convicted or pled guilty in a court of general jurisdiction for the commission of a felony violation of state or federal law. Finally, the school board has authorized the immediate removal of a pupil upon a finding by the principal, superintendent or school board that the pupil poses a threat of harm to such pupil or others, as evidenced by the prior conduct of such pupil.

The school will also attempt to obtain parent involvement in all cases. When appropriate, school counseling and other school support and resources will be utilized in the pursuit of constructive resolutions.

When a disability is suspected, an evaluation for special education services may be pursued. When a student has been identified as having a disability, the relatedness of the disability to the offense will be determined in accordance with policy JGE, Discipline of Students with Disabilities. If relatedness is established, the modified provisions of JGE must be followed.