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Discipline Policies Student Conduct Policy JFC


The protection and safeguards guaranteed by the United States Constitution and, more particularly, by the Bill of Rights apply to all students. Responsibility is inherent in all rights. The school environment is a community of individuals who live and interact based upon commonly shared expectations, rights and responsibilities and common sense. Maintaining an atmosphere where orderly learning is possible and encouraged requires the combined effort and partnership of students, parents, teachers, school administrators and others involved in the educational process.

District employees are expected to promote and assist with maintaining positive discipline in the school and classroom settings and to address discipline infractions to the extent that it is practical for them to do so. They are also encouraged and expected to refer to administrators those infractions which they are unable to resolve, which are persistent and which require an inordinate amount of teacher time, as well as any concerns which administrators need to know about as a matter of information, i.e., knowledge of gang-related activity, bullying/intimidation, writings or behavior which suggest harm to others or self, and community events which may have implications for the school setting.

The Board believes that each student is unique and has the potential for making positive contributions to society. Therefore, in a cooperative effort with parents, staff and students, the board commits itself to providing an atmosphere that will allow all students to maximize their self-esteem, self-worth, self-respect and self-control. The Student Code of Conduct, JFC-R, is designed to achieve these goals and ideals.

The Board recognizes that acceptable behavior is essential to the development of responsible and self-disciplined citizens and to conducting an effective instructional program in the district’s schools. Acceptable behavior is based on respect for oneself and for the worth and human dignity of others. The development of such behavior in students is a dual function of the home and of the school.

Inappropriate behavior affects the rights of students to receive an education. To ensure the educational welfare of students and the maintenance of an atmosphere where orderly learning is possible and encouraged, the Board authorizes the superintendent and his/her staff to set forth rules and regulations and implement them. District rules are published and available to students and their parents. Building and class/activities rules and regulations also will be available to students and parents. The consequences of failure to follow rules and procedures are also delineated. Because it is impossible to publish all rules to cover all situations, rules need not be totally in writing to be enforceable. School administrators, teachers and other appropriate district personnel and district agents have the authority to control pupil conduct on matters and with methods not in conflict with board policies or legal authorities.

District employees are trained annually and as appropriate in regard to their role in implementing policy which governs student conduct and seeks to maintain a safe learning environment.

Students are required to follow school rules and procedures. This includes any time students are going to and from school or on the school grounds during or immediately before and after school hours. School rules and procedures are in effect for dances, field trips, plays, out-of-town trips, sports events and other school-sponsored activities whether held at school or off campus.

160.775, RSMo